Who We Are: IDSPP is an independent, non-profit professional organization founded in 2011 to support the integration of design science and design IP rights. Our initial efforts focused on the now famous Apple vs. Samsung matter. Our board comprises leading experts in design research, design science, product design, UX design, and experts in design IP theory/practice, including leading design IP litigation attorneys and partners at major law firms. We are a very diverse organization.

We are solely dedicated to the advancement of design science and design intellectual property rights on a global basis. Membership is strictly voluntary, and there are no fees at this time. We do not seek corporate sponsorship or explicitly support corporate programs or public policy efforts. All board members serve in an advisory capacity. Their position as board members does not indicate agreement on all IDSPP matters, published, or otherwise.

What We Do: Our current efforts focus on tracking and supporting critical design research trends relevant to advancing design intellectual property rights in the US and globally. Our primary focus in this regard is creating position papers, amicus briefs, and conference presentations focused on applying advanced design research methods and design science to produce robust design IP rights for all designers and their clients. IDSPP partners with leading law firms and design IP experts to create and publish amicus briefs. These efforts are pro Bono and focus on producing robust, science-based responses to legal matters before the courts aligned with the mission of IDSPP.

How You Can Help: If you are a professional designer, design IP expert, or IP attorney practicing in any product category or service dedicated to advancing design science and design intellectual property protections, we welcome your participation. Select the button below to join IDSPP.

What We Do With Your Membership Information: We do not share your personal information with any other business, professional society, non-profit, or government agency. We will utilize your information to communicate with you about ongoing research and to seek your interest in signing amicus briefs or other research publications that further the mission of IDSPP. We will periodically send you email newsletter updates on our ongoing efforts (3-4 times a year).

Becoming a Signatory on Amicus Briefs and Published Research: As a member of IDSPP, you can sign on amicus briefs prepared by IDSPP in conjunction with leading law firms and design IP experts. Your name and affiliation will be included on the signature page of any amicus you agree to sign. Before filing new amicus briefs or publication of research papers, we will send you the document of interest for review and confirm your approval to be included as a signatory. You are not required to sign any IDSPP amicus briefs or position papers.


Charles Lee Mauro, CHFP, IDSA
President & Founder, Mauro Usability Science
Founder / Chairman, IDSPP.org
Contact email: Cmauro@MauroUsabilityScience.Com